Saturday 26 May 2012

Film frame

In filmmaking, video production, animation, and accompanying fields, a blur anatomy or video anatomy is one of the abounding still (or about so) images which compose the complete affective picture. The appellation is acquired from the actuality that, from the alpha of avant-garde filmmaking against the end of the 19th century, and in abounding places still up to the present, the individual images accept been recorded on a band of accurate blur that bound added in length, historically; anniversary angel on such a band looks rather like a affected account if advised individually.

The appellation may aswell be acclimated added about as a noun or verb to accredit to the edges of the angel as apparent in a camera viewfinder or projected on a screen. Thus, the camera abettor can be said to accumulate a car in anatomy by animadversion with it as it speeds past.

When the affective account is displayed, anniversary anatomy is flashed on a awning for a abbreviate time (nowadays, usually 1/24, 1/25 or 1/30 of a second) and again anon replaced by the next one. Persistence of eyes blends the frames together, bearing the apparition of a affective image.

The anatomy is aswell sometimes acclimated as a assemblage of time, so that a cursory accident ability be said to endure six frames, the absolute continuance of which depends on the anatomy amount of the system, which varies according to the video or blur accepted in use. In North America and Japan, 30 frames per additional (fps) is the advertisement standard, with 24 frames/s now accepted in assembly for high-definition video. In abundant of the blow of the world, 25 frames/s is standard.

In systems historically based on NTSC standards, for affidavit originally accompanying to the blush subcarrier in analog NTSC TV systems, the exact anatomy amount is generally the nominal anatomy amount disconnected by 1.001—so, for example, a nominal 30 fps arrangement is in fact attempt at 30/1.001 = 29.97002997... fps. This leads to abounding synchronization problems which are alien alfresco the NTSC world, and aswell brings about hacks such as drop-frame timecode.

In blur projection, 24 fps is the norm, except in some appropriate area systems, such as IMAX, Showscan and Iwerks 70, area 30, 48 or even 60 frame/s accept been used. Silent films and 8 mm abecedarian movies acclimated 16 or 18 frame/s.

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